1. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the hands-on training program?

2. Which aspects of the training program were most beneficial in enhancing your understanding of garage door installation? Please select all that apply.

4. Did you feel adequately supported by the trainers during the hands-on training sessions?

5. How well did the training materials and resources provided help you grasp the concepts and techniques taught during the hands-on sessions?

7. How effectively did the trainers communicate instructions and explanations during the hands-on training activities?

8. Did the training program adequately address safety considerations and precautions specific to garage door installation?

9. On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in your ability to apply the skills and knowledge gained from the hands-on training program to real-world garage door installations?

11. Were there any challenges or difficulties you faced during the hands-on training program?

12. How well did the training program meet your initial expectations and objectives?

13. Would you recommend this hands-on training program to others interested in learning about garage door installation?

Contact Us Today

(410) 549-2668

David Mount
IDEA Certified Technician